
About Keenious

At Keenious, we strive to ignite passion in students and researchers. Our partnership with numerous universities has allowed us to create the Keenious Research Explorer, a user-friendly tool that helps individuals access valuable knowledge and information that they may not have even known existed. Through our tool, we aim to support and enable success in their academic pursuits.

Our Story

At the Arctic University of Norway, our CEO and co-founder Frode Opdahl was tackling a challenging problem — finding relevant research for his master-thesis on AI-based article recommendations. Despite using traditional search engines and databases, Frode struggled to uncover the research papers he knew had to be out there. That's when he realized that his own thesis could potentially solve the problem.

Frode quickly developed a rough prototype — a website that allowed users to input text and receive a list of related Wikipedia articles. It was basic, but it conveyed the concept. Along with his co-founder Anders, Frode took the prototype to university campuses and interviewed over 150 students and researchers. The response was overwhelming — many students were even disappointed that the tool wasn't available for them to use right there and then.

Frode and Anders had a vision and put in the hard work to bring it to fruition. They secured funding from the Research Council of Norway and the European Union's research and innovation program to develop a proof-of-concept using research papers. This caught the attention of librarians at UiT The Arctic University of Norway who saw its potential to help their university. This led to a collaboration with Innovation Norway that resulted in Keenious - a tool helping researchers and students access the information they need. We're excited to see where this journey takes us.

Anders Rapp and Frode Opdahl

Anders Rapp and Frode Opdahl

What does Keenious mean?

When coming up with what to call ourselves we wanted to create a word that encompasses the energy and value that we wish our product and company facilitates. In short, if you are keenious you will love Keenious!

Keenious /əs/


Full of enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge and engaging with new ideas:

"Keenious people can often be found in libraries, museums, or coffee shops where they are surrounded by books, art, and good conversation."

keen /ki:n/


  1. Eager, interested, enthusiastic
  2. Quick to understand

-ious /i.əs/


  1. Characterized by, or full of a given quality

Born in Norway, working globally

Founded amidst the snowy peaks and sparkling fjords of Norway, our global team draws inspiration from around the world. We are proud to bring together the best talent from everywhere, no matter where they may be located.

Our stances

Privacy and security

Privacy and security

At Keenious, we take privacy and security seriously. Our goal is to only process and store the minimal amount of data we need to run our service. We are based in the EU/EEA and subject to GDPR and we do not store the text submitted to us by our users.



We are committed to providing inclusive experiences for all users. We understand the importance of accessibility and strive to ensure that our services are available to everyone, regardless of ability.

Our PEER values


We embrace the freedom to experiment and test out new ideas, and add small touches to our product that bring joy to our users. We strive to create a fun and engaging work environment.


We aim to create a product that is easy and enjoyable to use, and that empowers our users to perform their work in the most efficient and effective way possible.


We strive to enrich the lives of our employees and users in meaningful ways. We promote transparency and sharing, and work to constantly improve and add value to our product and services.


We believe in the importance of respect - for ourselves, our colleagues, and our users. We have pride in the work we do, and always strive to treat others with kindness and consideration.

Our mission

We strive to provide users with the best research experience by integrating powerful search capabilities and advanced filtering options to help them quickly access relevant information and uncover new insights.

Our vision

We believe that knowledge is the key to unlocking your true potential. By providing users with the tools and resources they need to conduct research more efficiently, we are helping to make the world a more informed and educated place.

Meet the Team

At Keenious, we are a team of passionate and dedicated individuals who are on a mission to make a difference in the lives of students and researchers. Our firsthand experience and understanding of the struggles and needs of our peers, enables us to develop a solution that empowers them to succeed.

Frode Opdahl


Sets vision for Keenious and builds the recommendation engine

Anders Rapp


Manages contracts and builds new vertical partnerships

Jakob Aure


In charge of our sales pipeline and market strategy

Richard Solomou

Technical Lead

Front-end expert and makes sure our system is running

Jesper Solheim Johansen

Head of User Research

Conducts studies and co-authors research on the effects of Keenious

Christian Headley

Head of Customer Success

Ensures customer success and develops sales internationally

Aislinn Marmion

Business Developer

Outreach for sales and in charge of accessibility development

Elin Bartnes

Business Developer

Sales outreach and quality assurance testing

Branding and Design support by Alevtyna Makovska

Let's get social

Despite being a distributed company, we still meet up multiple times a year and have digital after-work social events. Contact us if you want to challenge us in a round of virtual reality mini-golf!

Interested in working at Keenious?

See job openings